Books to refresh the soul!
We have enjoyed and learned so much from the books below that we thought we would share them with others.

Glory: Experiencing the Atmosphere of Heaven by Ruth Ward Heflin
It is full of references to the Word of God laid out in simplistic form. The book is wholly about praise, worship, and the Glory realm--the realm of heaven. The first calling of a Christian is to know Jesus and to worship God. These are both one in the same. That is all this writing is about--the joyful journey that the Lord lovingly led Ruth Heflin through in Worship.

Worship: The Pattern of Things in Heaven by Joseph L. Garlington
This is a powerful look at how our worship directly relates to spiritual warfare and how God will train our hands to war. Great teaching book for worship leaders, intercessors, the entire church. We can have power in the natural realm by first winning the battle in the spiritual realm.

A Time to Dance: An Invitation by Barbara Knoll

Restoring the Dance: Seeking God's Order by Ann Stevenson
This extensive explanation of dance's original creation and place in the church for worship is a must-have for anyone interested in worship. Not just a dance book. Biblical foundations of dance's history and use in the church put any questions to flight about its propriety.

Sound of Heaven, Symphony of Earth by Ray Hughes
In this book, Ray Hughes historically and scientifically explores the true liberty that comes with the abandonment of self in worshipping God, freeing us to worship in His way.
Ray Hughes serves on the MorningStar leadership team based in Charlotte, North Carolina as the pastor of MorningStar Fellowship in Wilkesboro, North Carolina. Through his teaching, preaching and prophesying, he aims to restore the prophetic and apostolic order of musicians and minstrels across the land.

The Final Quest by Rick Joyner
A few reader's comments:
"Warning: conviction ahead.
This is, quite simply, the most powerful exposition of Truth that I have ever encountered outside the Word itself. I have never had the Truth in a book grab me and drag me about the yard the way that this did. Over and over, I was brought to my knees in conviction that I, too, had failed my LORD. If I could recommend one book to mature Christians to deepen their walk with the LORD, this would be it."
"CAUTION: Life perspectives subject to revolutionary change "It changed my life" doesn't do justice...want to have your knowledge of Jesus' Parable of the Talents deepened and enriched in living color? Want to "see" our world in the Last Days with between-the-eyes, breath-stealing impact? If you truly seek to understand more fully Jesus' heart and ways, this is your book."

Holy Spirit, I Hunger for You - Claudio Freidzon
This book book is an excellent tool for getting closer to the holy spirit and obtaining an intimate relationship with the Father,Son,and Holy Spirit.It will change your spiritual life if you follow the leads of Pastor Freidzon.A must read for those seeking the Lord's Face and discernment of the Holy Spirit.

Veggie Tales Series

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